Sunday 18 April 2010

Location Location

I've changed the location on my profile to Auckland, New Zealand. I can't find any other way to search for people who actually live there and write blogs from there. I wanted to find out a bit more about those people on the other side of the world because I'm meant to be going there in two weeks time (with Mr Pie on my knee for the 24hour flight). Although, with the volcanic ash situation showing no sign of blowing over, it could be that a cyber Kiwi experience is as close as I'll get...


  1. you are coming to NZ? is that you Stephen?

    email me if so and then you can call in here for a chat and a cuppa, Auckland NZ. we even have a sofa bed if you need a place for one or two nights.

  2. Hi Waywin! No, I'm not Stephen - though if you mean Ossian/Feargal etc. etc. I know a man who knows a man who... really I do.
    But yes, I am coming to NZ. Tomorrow night to be precise. Don't worry, I've got somewhere to stay, but if you are into crazy blog-based happenings then we really should meet up. I like your artworks, by the way.
